After The Fall



Re: After The Fall

With black-gloves snug, Captain Dodonna shook hands with his old friend as he entered the ready room, donning an Imperial uniform which made him look as any other officer. Max had been used to seeing him in the finest civilian clothes and the new look had thrown him back to memories of the academy. As he introduced his first officer, Jared Koortyn, Tyrell began to explain the reasons for the uniform. Of course, when Lord Vader was mentioned, no explanation was needed. The rank of Commander was a nice touch to the illusion.

Dodonna formed his lips into a tight, emotionless line. "No need for explanation, Tyrell. If Lord Vader believes that you donning a uniform in the Empire's service will be of use to our cause, then who am I to protest?" He glared to Jared, whose expression clearly displayed his disapproval of Tyrell's uniform and rank. No matter. He would understand. The Captain gestured to his friend to take a seat and all three officers settled themselves. In front of his quarter's viewport, the brilliant lights of Coruscant, along with its orbiting skyhooks and space traffic, turned its surroundings into a spectacular light show. Beside the Eradicator in parking formation was a newly commisioned Victory-class Star Destroyer, the newest top-of-the-line in the Imperial Navy. Already the Venators were now slowly being out-classed.

"Give me the breakdown of Tyrell's inventory of what we have aboard," Dodonna requested.

Koortyn did not blink as he rattled off the statistics from memory. "In total, we have about six of the new TIE prototype squadrons, and of course all hands and resources to maintain them, including some simulators to help the clone pilots. Most of them have to re-adjust from flying in our ARC-170's and V-wings."

Dodonna frowned. "So does this mean our clones won't be ready to pilot them by the time we arrive on Terrick?"

"In theory, they should be ready," Koortyn answered. His voice quavered the smallest bit, then he straightened. "As we know, the clones are pretty adept to learning at a fast rate, so I don't see why they cannot be ready to test Mr. Dunn's new prototype. We have about forty pilots recruited from various ARC and V-wing squadrons to help test them."

Tyrell interjected. "I think the clone pilots will do fine. I designed the TIE for easy piloting and maneuvering. They're not as clunky as the ARC or the V-wing, so they will do fine."

Dodonna nodded and rubbed his trimmed, sandy beard. "Very well. What is the status of the Eradicator? Are we ready for departure? With the coordinates relayed from our spy, I don't want to lose our only lead."

Koortyn smirked as if pleased to give good news. "Since the transfer of the Eradicator to your command after her last captain was killed in the last Seperatist battle, and since her rechristening, three of the four damaged turbolaser cannons have been refurbished and are now operational. All hangar bays have been restocked with the latest military hardware, including Dunn's prototypes. The barracks are furnished with new clones ready for your command and navicomp, tactical, and ship's bridge consoles are now fully operational. She's ready to jump to Terrick at your command."

Jared drew in a deep breath. "In short, Captain, I believe this Venator is ready for battle again."

Dodonna tried unsuccessfully to stop a smile from creeping across his lips. "Excellent. Man your station, Commander, and await my orders."

"If I may ask a question, Captain," Tyrell interrupted, glancing around to see Commander Koortyn turn studiously away from the conversation, pretending not to listen as he rose to leave.

"With the information we gained from your source, we know the possible whereabouts of a certain number of Jedi or even one. I don't see how testing my prototype to hunt one or two Jedi will be of benefit." Dunn hesitated.

"Ah, but you tend to forget that we still have Jedi sympathizers within the Empire, and we don't know their numbers. For all we know, Terrick could be a Jedi haven that we don't know about. What better to show its citizens the might of our cause when we unveil our latest surprise?" Dodonna replied sharply. "When we show your prototype's capabilities, I think its citizens will soon learn the lessons of coorperating with us."

Dodonna's lips curled in a snarl, and his voice lowered. "We will do what your TIE's are designed to do. We will rely on hit-and-run tactics to shake up Terrick's people into giving up what they're hiding– if they are hiding anything. We will continue to pound them for as long as we can. Your TIE's will disrupt their shipping lanes until they coorperate." He had been bottled up on Coruscant for enough time and had been ready to hunt ever since his assignment. Of course, he had been denied at that chance for action because he was forced to coordinate with Tyrell in order to carry out Lord Vader's plans. He hoped the Jedi that evaded his patrols down in the lower levels of Coruscant were still out there on Terrick. Many targets waited out there.

"As you wish, Max," Dunn nodded. "As you know, I designed these for the service of our Empire. Lord Vader wants me to keep an update on its progress."

"Noted," Dodonna acknowledged. He turned to the comlink on his desk and keyed a button. "Commander Koortyn, have navigation plot a course for the nearest shipping lanes closest to our position when we arrive in system. I don't want anything coming in or out of Terrick until we find our traitors. We don't want the Jedi slipping through our fingers."

"Yes, Captain," the Commander replied through the comm speaker.

"Inform all personnel aboard the Eradicator the order is given to jump to hyperspace and begin your countdown," he ordered. A bold grin lit his face; he felt as if his blood had been energized with new life. His eyes seemed to sparkle. "Let's go hunting."

He turned the comm off and narrowed his eyes to his old friend. "… and afterward, we'll test your prototype upon the shipping lanes."

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Re: After The Fall

Walking off the transport and through the arrivals lounge felt like stepping through a minefield, or before a firing squad.  Or into the sights of snipers.  Sepheron's eyes flicked around like a swarm of agitated flies over a rotting corpse as he tried to watch everywhere at once, trying to be alert for the first signs of the ambush that seemed inevitable.  Either there was nothing, or they were very, very good.  The line between the two was fine enough to give him a headache.  He would much rather have come in at a private bay, on his own ship or on a chartered one, but he lacked the funds for either.  So braving the public arena was his only option.

Eventually he just had to give up and relax, let the sunny ambience of the place wash over him.  No one stopped him.  Security did not seem to be any higher than whatever was normal for Terrick.  The cruiser in orbit did not appear to have made any difference, so far at least.  Mayhap it had only just arrived.  It was possible it was just stopping off, for shore leave or to resupply, maybe.  It was not necessarily there for a proper military reason.


The place was actually surprisingly bright and cheery for an arrivals lounge.  Properly cheery, not the sort of fake, plastic cheery that makes travellers feel violently ill upon arriving at their destination.  Bizarrely, it was almost a nice place to be.  The people looked happy.  Maybe Terrick was so far off the regular spacelanes that Awful Spaceport Syndrome had yet to make it there.

Close to the exit Sepheron headed for the bathroom.  In one of the stalls he opened his bag and set to work altering his appearance.  Away went the glasses, the smoothed down hair, and the high-collared shirt.  Gel made his hair stand on end, and the smart business suit gave way to spacer garb.  Quite frankly, he was glad to be rid of Norren Strang, who was a friend to corporate lackies and Imperial spies.  Rok Jenson, space pilot, was the sort of guy who would hang around in bars with disreputable folk and drink till he fell down.  Much more fun.

Not that he was on Terrick for fun.  He had a clone lieutenant to find and kill.  So the aforementioned disreputable types were just the sort of people to help him get in contact with a slicer, or slicer gear if necessary.  Terrick was quiet, but everywhere had an underbelly.  At least, that was the idea.

Once 'Rok' stepped out onto the serene, sleepy streets, however, he began to worry.  It looked like the sort of world where the height of criminal enterprise was stealing a purse… and then apologising to the victim.  If so, he would have to do all the work himself; scrounge the parts and components for a slicer deck, trawl the datanet to try and access the military computers, all of it.  It was hardly his specialty, though he had worked in sync with professionals in the past.

Sepheron swaggered his way down the main street towards where he was hoping to find lodgings for the first part of his stay.  He did not look completely out of place, which was the idea, but 'his type of people' definitely stood out anyway.  Much like-

Much like the two gentlemen taking their ease on the upcoming streetcorner did, to an experienced eye.

That same experienced eye weighed them up.  Professional, but not military.  Possibly mercs, possibly up-scale muscle.  Not Intel types.  Probably criminal, and almost certainly of a higher level than Terrick could boast without becoming a major underworld centre overnight.  Someone special was in town, someone who thought they needed protecting, someone who was almost certainly visiting one of the shops or residences down the road the two (probable) mercs were subtly watching.  Which could mean all kinds of things, most of them incidental and utterly irelevant to Sepheron's totally personal vendetta.

Unless these fish were big enough to draw predators… predators that travelled in cruisers… or bigger ships, even.  Which could create an atmosphere that would make settling certain scores difficult.  Especially if the streets became awash with clones.  Not so easy to find a particular ID code daubed on one suit of armour amongst several hundred identical suits.  And with the highly probably increase in local security protocols…

Sepheron cursed, loudly enough to draw a tut from a passing old maid.  He scowled at her and was rebuffed with a prissy sniff.  All he could think of was one of his old drill sergeant's sayings.

Frying pans without fires are few and far between.

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Re: After The Fall

Deep in space, the Venator-class Star Destroyer, Eradicator, jumped out of hyperspace and began to mark its course toward Terrick. The starship's sensors immediately began to go to full alert and commenced scanning for any ripples of ship traffic in orbit. The Star Destroyer hung at a node on the far end of Terrick's space lanes, where all ships bound for other planets would calibrate their navicomputers to set off on their new vectors.

Captain Dodonna paced the Eradicator's bridge, keeping his gaze moving, watching his personnel as they waited for orders. His scrutiny kept them on edge, nervous, intent on performing flawlessly. He was proud of his crew. He felt confident that they could wrench a proud victory in finding and eliminating the hidden Jedi down below.

Commander Koortyn straightened at his sensor console. "Captain! Comscan indicates one of our ships, an Acclamator-class assault transport, is in standard orbit around Terrick as we speak. Shall I have comm hail them to our presence?"

Dodonna scratched at his beard and snapped a reply to his executive officer. "Hail them and instruct that we are taking full command by order of Lord Vader and Order sixty-six. Also, have them relay the same order to the surface to their troops." He glanced quickly at the tactical readouts on the displays. "As of this hour, they are now under my command as part of my fleet. Have our ship go on full alert. Instruct the hangar bays to power up our V-wing squadrons and order Dunn to ready his prototypes and get our pilots down there. We are going to clamp down on Terrick immediately. No one is to arrive or leave this planet until we sweep every nook and cranny for the Jedi traitors."

Commander Koortyn whirled from his station to delegate tasks. The intense alarm klaxons whooped through the decks of the Venator-class Star Destroyer. Clone troopers rushed to their posts, armor and boots clattering.

"Instruct weapon stations to power up our turbolasers batteries," Dodonna commanded through the intercom, "target any ship who tries to run the gauntlet and disable them only. Any who return fire are open to complete obliteration."

"Yes, sir," came the crew replies.

Koortyn gazed from the displays to his superior. "Scopes indicate a ship is breaking from the space lanes and attempting to jump to hyperspace."

"Gunners," Dodonna shouted to the tactical stations, "target to disable only! We will take the ship and have the clones search it."

"Tracking!" said a lieutenant from the crew pit below.

Dodonna spun to stare at the planet centered at his viewports. A ship appeared and broke through the lane patterns on an erratic course out of orbit. He smiled, trying to imagine the expression on the captain's face as he suddenly found himself blockaded by a Venator-class Star Destroyer.

"YV-666 freighter, Captain," Koortyn said, as if Dodonna could not identify it himself. "It could be smugglers."

"Hiding Jedi, perhaps?" Dodonna said. "Prepare to fire."

"Sir, the ship refuses our hails," the comm officer called.

"Very well. Open fire: two surgical shots. Take out the rear hyperdrive unit."

Dodonna watched, feeling the electric thrill of command. Two blinding green shots lanced out. The first bolt spattered against its shields, but the second blast punched through the weakened area and crippled the freighter's engines. The YV-666 rocked in space, then slowly spun in a drift.

"The ship's captain is signalling surrender," the comm officer said.

"Engage tractor beam," Dodonna commanded to his crew pits. "Open the lower-bay doors, and we'll draw the freighter into our hangar. Have our clone troopers ready to search the ship."

Dodonna toggled the holoprojector by his station, and an image of Clone Commander Alna, also known as CC-1200, rose from the holo dais. His form flickered blue at the fringes from transmission distortion. The captain bent over the image, like a giant contemplating a toy. "Commander Alna, is your army ready? Have you briefed your troops?"

"Yes, Captain," came the filtered voice through the red/white helmet. "We know what to do, sir. Typical search and destroy mission. The gunships and AT-TE's are standing by."

"Good. When we are above standard orbit, commence your operation." Dodonna whisked his image into thick sparkles of static, and opened another channel. This time, Tyrell Dunn's image emerged onto the holo dais.

"Hello, Max," Tyrell nodded. "Captain, the TIE prototypes are ready. My pilots are also ready and are requesting instructions."

Dodonna tapped his fingers together, pondering on how to command these new TIE prototypes. "Tyrell, instruct them that they are to patrol the space lanes and the spaceport below. They will enforce the grounded policy until we have found what we are looking for. If any ship attempts to leave the planet, they are to be shot down."

"Yes, captain." The image flickered away.

"Sir, we are approaching Terrick," the navigation officer snapped around.

Dodonna nodded as he turned to the tactical displays again. "Good. Commence standard orbit procedures and let's rendezvous with the Acclamator. Have comm stations relay a standard friendly message to the ruling body on Terrick that we are here on a search mission and to not panic…"

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Re: After The Fall

Suriah bounded down the stairs, her lightsaber a little more accessible this time- tucked into the waistband of her pants, and hidden well by the baggy white shirt she wore. The packet of holochrons weighed heavily in the pouch slung over her shoulder, along with the other change of clothes Maggi had found for her, and the few other things she’d salvaged.

The old woman was waiting for her by the door. “Don’t be a hero, Maggi. You already have been. Too many people have seen me. Just tell them where we went, and if that doesn’t work, call Hendricks."

Maggi’s shrewd eyes narrowed, and hugged her quickly. “Child, I’m old. I’ll take care of myself. May the Force be with you dear. I’ve been honored.”

Suriah could feel tears blurring in her eyes.

Lucious led the way out of the shop. He pulled his sunglasses from a pocket as he left, using their mirrored darkness to hide the movements of his eyes as he scanned the street. Lyton and Suriah followed him out, the girl carrying her worldly possessions in nothing larger than a satchel. "I really hope we can change your mind about helping us," Lucious told her as they made their way towards the speeder. "Once we're in hyperspace, perhaps we can…" he let the last word trail into silence. Suriah seemed preoccupied, hardly paying attention to what was being said. More than preoccupied, she seemed concerned, brow furrowed as she gazed across the street.

Lucious glanced at Lyton. "Trouble?" He asked. Lyton shook his head, not sensing any overt danger. There was something odd, though… Abandoning the force for a moment, Lyton followed Suriah's line of sight. There, across the street, stood what could only be described as one of space's more disreputable types. A smuggler, possibly. Lyton hadn't had the pleasure of interacting with many, but they all had a way of standing out in a crowd. And for some reason, this fellow was sticking out more than he should. But he didn't seem interested in their small group. No, he was more focused on somebody else…

"Then we'd better get going," Lucious said as they reached the speeder, "Before it turns into trouble."

"No," Suriah said unexpectedly. "It's not just him. There's… more." The girl could feel it roiling in her gut. They were already in trouble, and the men weren’t the source. She lifted her troubled gaze lifted to peer into the sky. "I can't put my finger on it, exactly. I just have a bad feeling." She was silent for a second, still regarding the possible smuggler. "I think we should talk to him…"

"Couldn't hurt," Lyton muttered, noticing now that there were a couple of people watching them from the far side of the street. "Lucious, you know those guys?" Still not sensing any overt danger from them, Lyton was suspicious nonetheless.

"Who?" Lucious paused to start up the speeder before glancing across the street. "Oh… huh. Yeah, but not personally. I know them through Hendricks."

"Good guys, bad guys?"

"Depends on who's paying them at the moment, and whether or not you're on that person's good side."

"What about the spacer?"

"Never seen him before."

"Great," Lyton pronounced, "Well, let's go check him out."

Suriah was relieved- she’d been ready to jump over the side of the speeder and walk over to talk to the stranger. There was something compelling about him. Not good, necessarily, not bad. Intense.

The speeder lifted off of the ground with a high pitched whine, sending dust and debris blowing in all directions. The two men who had been watching disappeared into an alley, presumably getting their own transportation so they could continue to follow the group. Lucious eased the speeder out onto the street, wondering if he should try to lose them. In the end, he settled on drawing near the spacer Suriah was interested in. He didn't know what the Jedi were playing at, but two of them taking an interest in somebody was enough to get him curious.

The man watched the speeder approach, his lack of expression betrayed by the emotions Lyton could sense through the force. "Hello, friend," Lyton said when they'd pulled alongside the man. He didn't have any idea where he was going to take the conversation… but hopefully Suriah had something in mind. If not, things were going to get awkward.

Suriah’s large brown eyes settled on the man’s face. “He IS a friend,” she finally pronounced.

She could feel Lyton looking at her. She had eyes locked on the spacer though- she saw that he let very little surprise show on his face. He let almost no emotion of any kind show- but as it turned out, he didn’t FEEL very surprised at her pronouncement either.

“You’re in trouble too,” she said softly, keeping her voice even and conversational. She made a point not to look around. “You should come with us.”

It was then that Lyton heard it. Just at the edge of perception, but getting closer. A sound that he’d heard many times before, and wouldn’t soon forget. He turned his gaze from Suriah and the smuggler, letting his eyes sweep the horizon. He saw them coming in from the East, three in formation. Imperial gunships, the kind used by clone units. They’d been found. “We’ve got company,” He informed the others.

We're not so easy to kill when we know who our enemies are.
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Re: After The Fall

From the moment they had appeared on the street, Sepheron had suspected the newcomers were something different.  The one with the dark glasses seemed to be mostly as he appeared, but the other two carried themselves differently.  They were not the other's regular sort of company, that was clear.  The man seemed as alert to the potential dangers a busy street might offer as a soldier might, while the woman much less so, more like a civilian.  The speeder outside the shop was theirs, but it was hard to say if the two lumps of muscle were or not.  They were definitely interested in the odd trio, though.

Then she had looked at him, brown eyes impossibly yet clearly visible across the distance, and that look had told him everything he needed to know.  Her voice when she had spoken had that familiar uncertain certainty he had come to know from… a prior association.

Then the whine of the gunship engines broke the moment as she winced at the noise and turned to look.

"They will be from the assault transport in orbit," Sepheron announced, turning his gaze the same way.  He shrugged.  "Or from any reinforcements it may have acquired since my arrival."

"Assault transport," the driver repeated, his eyes still hidden behind the blackness of his lenses.  "With reinforcements."

"Indeed."  Sepheron looked at him.  "It is possible they may just be here to beat the bushes and see what comes running out… or they may have particular prey in mind."  He turned his eyes to the man's passengers and raised an eyebrow.  The driver made no reply.

"You need to get in now," the woman told him insistently.



Sepheron considered for a second, then threw his duffel bag into the back and quickly vaulted into the seat next to it.  "Head east, under their approach.  It'll buy us a little time to think."  The driver and the other man, the first who had spoken to him, exchanged a look and at a shrug from the other the driver set the speeder off down the road in the suggested direction.

"Can you get us out of here on your ship?" came the inevitable question.

"I don't have a ship," Sepheron replied casually, glancing around and keeping his ears open for the sound of approaching gunships.  "I arrived on a passenger transport."

"What kind of-"

"A pretend one," the woman answered for him.  She smiled slightly.  "I'm Suriah," she introduced herself, barely audible over the sound of the whining repulsorlifts.

"Rok," Sepheron replied.  Her expression told him she did not believe that was actually his name for an instant.  "And if you want to leave, I'm not who you should be talking to.  I have unfinished business to attend to."  I'm not going to run off and let Lieutenant #435 Deca be lost in a crowd of clones. I need to get to him before that happens.  Whatever these… people are doing here, it is not my concern.

A gasp from Suriah drew his attention back to her.  She had gone very pale and was looking at him almost fearfully.  Then she seemed to get ahold of herself and her expression changed to one of almost… disappointment.

"I don't have to explain myself to you," he told her, resisting the urge to get angry with her.  What would be the point?  Past experience showed that it rarely got him anywhere with such people.

"Do you want to tell me what's going on?"  Her friend in the front seat - her master, maybe? - had turned around and was asking the sort of questions they should have been asking a whole lot earlier.

"It's a personal matter," Sepheron replied, his voice calm and level, not betraying the flicker of anger he felt underneath.  No doubt the Jedi's sensitivity had already seen straight through him, however.  But if he was not going to mention it, there was no way Sepheron was going to either.  "I can make some suggestions about escape routes, if you wish," he continued, changing topic, "but I have been here less than two hours and any ideas I have to offer would be based solely on guesswork."

The other man's eyes narrowed as he probably tried to read something of Sepheron's intentions, but Sepheron did his best to fill his mind with possible escape plans in the hope of keeping those intensions to himself.  He was not entirely successful.

"He's here for revenge," Suriah murmured from the seat next to him.  At that pronouncement the Jedi got something of a disapproving look on his face.  The driver kept out of it, but he was definitely paying close attention.

"You definitely need to find a way off this rock," Sepheron told them, and he was not thinking of their safety in the slightest.  Jedi had a way of changing people's minds that had nothing to do with the Force, and he did not need that kind of irritating preaching just now.  "I'd have thought you two would know all about wanting revenge," he said suddenly, just to see what kind of reaction he got.

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Re: After The Fall

Tyrell switched off the holo-transmission. Spoiled by wearing tailor-made suits normally, the collar of his Imperial uniform was uncomfortable. Tyrell suppressed the urge of opening the top button. He was here to attend his duties as reserve officer and loyal citizen of the Empire. His own convenience was secondary. He smoothed his hair with one hand before leaving the office of the Chief Petty Officer, he was allowed to use while his sojourn on board. Outside, in the hangar, his test pilots were waiting together with the ones who would be flying the common fighters. All men jumped from the crates, they were sitting on. Tyrell had to smirk as they build up in parade rest in front of him. The impressive effect of his Commander rank badge.

“At ease.” He addressed them. The pilots relaxed just slightly. They were men of action, anxious to fly into battle. Tyrell didn’t plan to put them on the rack, so he got to the point immediately. “We reached the Terrick system. Your orders are to patrol the space lanes as well as the spaceport below. If any ship attempts to leave the planet, shot them down.” The moment he said it, Tyrell became aware of the fact, that he was ordering the death of possible innocent people. Of course Dunn Industries had profited from the death of others before, designing and constructing technology for the war machinery of the Empire. But it had been impersonal. Far away from the battle fields. Tyrell hesitated a moment before he continued: “Man your ships.” The pilots saluted, then they did put on the helmets, built for the use in the new TIE fighters. Their faces hidden behind black visors, they became anonymous warriors in the name of Palpatine.

Tyrell watched the ships leaving the hangar. He took a deep breath, hoping that there would be no malfunctions. Lord Vader had made clear, that he wouldn’t be amused about a failure. Not after the amount of credits the project had devoured already. The TIEs worked perfect in the simulation, but this was the acid test. It was quiet in the hangar again and Tyrell turned around to walk to the elevator.


The lift doors opened and Tyrell stepped into the security atrium, that was separating the entries from the actual command bridge. One of the troopers on duty interrupted his way, but then Tyrell was allowed to pass as the sergeant recognised him. As he walked along the catwalk, Tyrell noticed the professional activity of the crew. Captain Dodonna, his back towards his men, stood at the front view, watching the planet below. Tyrell stopped next to his friend. “The ships left the hangar, Max.” Dodonna nodded. “Yes, I saw them pass on their way to the orbit.” Tyrell allowed himself a smile as he gazed at  the scenery. “Strange, that everything out side seems so… peaceful.”

“Not for long, my friend. Not for long.” Dodonna murmured.

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Re: After The Fall

After murmuring those words, Captain Dodonna removed a datapad from his hip and punched a button to call up his latest readouts. He turned it toward Tyrell so he could look at the information. "As you can see here, I've also dispatched several V-wing squadrons to overlook the TIE's and their performances. They will take the role of aiding the TIE's from any vagrants attempting to leave Terrick in case your prototypes suffer any… failures." He switched off the datapad and looked at him. "I hope that is acceptable, Tyrell."

"I understand, Captain," he nodded. "As I observed, they performed well in the simulations. We'll see how they perform in the field now."

"Sir. The captain of the Acclamator is online," one of the comm officers called out from beneath in the crew pits.

"Excellent, ensign," Dodonna nodded. "Patch it through."

The close-up hologram of an Imperial officer flickered, but he could see the self-satisfied grin on his wide, swarthy face. "Captain Dodonna, a pleasure to meet you. I am Commander Odos of the Defender. I have received your orders and we are standing by."

"Excellent, Commander. I trust you are at a good vantage point?" Dodonna inquired.

Odos nodded. "My ship is above Terrick's spaceport. Anyone who tries to outrun our starfighters will get a taste from my turbolasers."

"Good. Prepare your ship for descension protocol. You will be landing and disembarking the bulk of your troops on Terrick's capital. My orders have already been forwarded to your clone commanders."

"Yes, Captain."

Dodonna turned back to the viewing window on the bridge. The Acclamator-class assault transport began to drop into Terrick's atmosphere and drifted downward toward the capital. "Manuever the Eradicator over the capital in the Defender's place," he told the navigation officers, "and hold in standard orbit."

Tyrell shook his head. "I'm surprised the citizens below haven't panicked at the sight of our presence."

"The people should not be fearful, as we are protecting them from these traitors," Dodonna countered. "They will understand the reason for our strong presence once we disclose our intentions. Do you agree?"

Tyrell nodded, but he still looked doubtful.

Maximillian smiled. "Always thinking as a CEO and diplomat, eh?" He scratched at his beard and sighed lightly. "If I propose that we meet with the ruling body on the surface and present our intentions to them in person, will that smooth over your doubts?"

"It would make our matters less– strong-armed– if we make them think they are cooperating with us. As well, I can survey my prototypes on how they respond in atmospheric conditions."

"As you wish, then." Dodonna opened a comm channel at his command console. "Hangar bay: prepare a shuttle to escort me and Tyrell Dunn to the surface and have his prototypes escort us."

In stunned admiration Dunn smiled. "Thank you, sir. Doing this will make relations with the Terrick government much smoother. We can catch the Jedi with their coorperation, rather than force them to obey us without their consent."

Dodonna drew a deep breath, feeling impatient but alive with euphoria. He wondered if Lord Vader would have taken Tyrell's advice or would have choked him? He didn't want to entertain the thought. The captain turned to face the rest of his bridge crew. "Myself and Commander Dunn will journey to the surface of Terrick to seek the coorperation of the Terrick government in finding our hiding traitors. I am placing Commander Koortyn in charge of the Eradicator. You will follow every order he dispatches. Is that clear?"

A sea of "Yes, sir!"s called out from the crew pits below.

The captain gestured toward the door. "Back to the hangar bay, my friend. We have a governor to address…"

Behind the V-wings and TIE squadrons, the attack gunships were descending. Clone transports packed with troops and ground vehicles, they rode the first wave as they dropped toward the bustling spaceport below. it was a scene being played out all across the surface of Terrick, as the Grand Army targeted every major population center simultaneously. To do so required seamless coordination, which the Galactic Empire possessed in plenty. But it was on the capital, as always, that they focused their efforts.

Several gunships had already settled down, disgorging squad after squad of helmeted, armed clone troopers. Their motivation was simple, their methodology straightforward. It had already been pursued with great success on many worlds, ever since the Clone Wars came into full bloom and the Seperatists had made their presence and their determination known to the rest of the developed galaxy. Implacable and humorless, they surged eagerly out of their transports, responding to the directives of their officers as they fanned out across the capital and spaceport in search of resistance…

… and the Jedi.

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Re: After The Fall

"I'd have thought you two would know all about wanting revenge," the man who called himself Rok commented.

"Jedi don't seek revenge," Lyton replied, and the falseness of the statement appalled him. The need for revenge was what had kept him lurking about Coruscant's underbelly long after he should have fled it. It was why he had decided to work with Lucious instead of turning down the offer in disgust, as Suriah had wanted to do. And, Lyton's thoughts worked their way around the possibility, perhaps it was why the Force had contrived to introduce him to Rok… "But we do believe in justice," He continued, and felt Suriah's eyes burning into him. She knew what he was doing, and she didn't approve. He resisted the urge to look at her, telling himself that he'd have to explain later.

"Right now, I think we have bigger issues," Lucious' voice interrupted. "Much bigger." Lyton became aware of a roaring noise that was building in the background, and looked up. Gunships wouldn't have made that kind of noise. It was too loud… The outline of a warship broke through the clouds above the city, descending like a great white beast as fighters buzzed around it.

"They're not doing this halfway, are they?" Lyton grumbled. He knew from experience what the Empire was doing now. They weren't just treating this as a search for a couple of fugitive Jedi. They were treating this as the occupation of a hostile world. Assault gunboats would be landing forward elements to secure the major population centers. The descending warship would disembark its contingent of troopers to support the forward units where necessary, and comb the cities to root out resistance. The landed warship, once secured dirtside, would function as a heavily armed and mobile command center that nothing short of major ground assault or orbital bombardment could hope to dislodge. Fighter contingents would patrol the planet's airspace, as would the fighter contingent of any supporting warships still in orbit. Anything attempting to enter or leave without the Empire's express permission would likely be warned once - if they were extremely lucky - and then shot down.

And all those groundside troops… all those thousands and thousands of troops… would be searching for Lyton and Suriah. "Ok," Lucious was saying, "I think it's safe to say we've been found out. Going off of that assumption, there are two possibilities. We can go back to the Touchstone and hope to blast our way out of here, which will be iffy with all those fighters up there, or we can go to ground and hope they lose interest sometime soon."

"What about those corporate contacts of yours?"

"They'll be monitoring the commnets," Lucious shook his head, "I can't risk it. I may know a few people planetside who could help me, but I'd have to contact them in person."

"Alright then," Lyton looked over at Rok, "You said you had some suggestions. What do you think?"

We're not so easy to kill when we know who our enemies are.
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Re: After The Fall

Tyrell threw a side glance to his friend next to him. Opposite to himself Maximillian Dodonna didn’t seem to be  nervous, sitting between a platoon of clone troopers on board of a gunship. The soldiers were calm, quiet, very polite to the commanding officers, but their missing individuality made Tyrell shiver. Since millennia armies had been uniformed, maybe an standardised face and body was the next step in military evolution. And Tyrell, a supporter of Palpatine since his days as senator, trusted in the superior intellect of the Emperor. Palpatine’s decisions for the New Galactic Empire had been elaborate so far. Maybe it was wise to use this clones, almost droids made of meat, instead of men and women who left families behind. Nobody would miss a clone, not even one of his brothers. They were produced to be soldiers. No questions asked about morale, ethics or the sense of life. They did the job they were born for. Nevertheless it was a strange feeling for Tyrell to see the men who looked as old as him, but knowing that they were just a few years old. We are sending children to war… the thought ran suddenly through his mind and he had to think about his own son, who was safe on Imperial Center, his future wide open.

Before Tyrell could start missing Traven and Lanah, Dodonna’s voice brought him back to the here and now. “I think that you are the right person for this negotiation, my friend.” Tyrell turned his head surprised. “But I’m no diplomat, Max.” The engineer lowered his voice. “I’m not even an Imperial officer.” Dodonna showed a thin-lipped smirk. “Lord Vader himself made you a Commander. When he was impressed, you will be good enough for this job.” Tyrell shook his head slowly. “He was impressed by my technical work, not my rhetoric.” Dodonna chuckled now, earning some slightly curious looks of the nearby troopers.  “Tyrell, don’t underestimate your own skills. I saw you discussing your points with Darth Vader, while the others in the room fainted almost just by his sight. You are the right man for this task.” Tyrell sighed, accepting his fate.

Escorted by six clone troopers Captain Dodonna and Commander Dunn  walked through Terrick’s capitol city on their way from the landing zone to the central government building. There was fear in the eyes of the citizens who tried to hide, obviously stoked by stories about the atrocities of Imperial troops as well as by the real presence of the soldiers in the streets and the fighters soaring the skies. The whole scenery waited just for the first wrong movement, the first thoughtless shot. Tyrell tried to push away his own fears, concentrating on the task waiting for him, but his hand hovered next to the blaster pistol that was part of his uniform.

The government building had been the ancient palace of Terrick’s sovereign originally, but over the years they had added more and more modern wings, so that the architecture was a strange mixture of different eras. They climbed up a spacious stairway towards the entry of the building. A delegation was waiting for them. A tall man, his dark hair had a hint of grey already, addressed them. “I’m Vildar Turokano, President of Terrick. Can you explain, what this military action means? We are a peaceful planet, there is no need for such an ostentation of power.” Tyrell looked at Max, who just nodded, signalling him to begin. “I’m Commander Tyrell Dunn. This is my commanding officer Captain Maximillian Dodonna. We are send by his Highness Emperor Palpatine to secure your planet against Jedi terrorists.” Turokano looked surprised. “Jedi… terrorists? Isn’t that a oxymoron?” Tyrell shook his head. “Sadly not. Since the attempted murder on the then Chancellor and the revealed conspiracy of their Order to take over the Republic, the Jedi are enemies of the Empire. We are here to help you against the threat they mean for the safety of your planet. Maybe you would like to discuss the situation with my Captain and me?” Turokano changed looks with his administration officials, then he nodded slowly. “The stairs are no place to speak about such sensible matters. Please follow me inside, Gentlemen.”

Their clone trooper bodyguards behind them, Dodonna and Dunn followed the politicians into the entry hall, their grey simple uniforms in contrast to the pomp of the building.

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Re: After The Fall

Sepheron watched the slowly dropping monster of a ship above them for a moment.  The massive wedge-shaped vessel hung overhead oppressively, metaphorically as well as literally, the weight of it highly representative of their shared problem: the thing that called itself The Galactic Empire.

His own problem: how to find one clone in a literal army of them, during what was almost certainly about to become martial law.  It was not going to be easy, and a sneaking, crawling suspicion was starting to make it's sibilant voice heard in the form of doubt over whether he would be able to complete his self-imposed mission, soon or ever.

I'm not going to give up on it! he told himself firmly.  I… promised I would do it.  It's just going to be a bit more… tricky, is all.  Maybe lay low, wait a while till this thing blows over… Yeah, right.

He turned his attention back to the others, and pondered their predicament.

"Barring death or capture," Sepheron began briskly, "I see basic three options.  Lay low, escape in your ship-" nodded at the driver "-or…." He smiled.  "Or we escape in one of theirs."

"Steal a ship," the Jedi in the front seat stated.  "An Empire ship."

"We have a better chance of making a run for it in a ship they won't shoot down the first time it wobbles it's wings," Sepheron pointed out.  "Of course, it's not an easy proposition, hijacking a military vessel during what amounts to an invasion and faking a flight path far enough out to make the jump to lightspeed before the big guns or the fighters reduce us to dust… but I'm sure we can muster some resources suitable for the task."  He looked at the Jedi; of the two of them, the man seemed more likely to be up for something like that.  The woman, Suriah… she seemed a gentler sort, which proved nothing; she would probably fight like a hellcat, for all he knew.  "Jedi seem to have a way of making things happen."

Blast… I sound like some kind of… true believer in the power of the almighty Jedi.  Like that's true anymore.  They die as easy as everyone else.

"You really think we can steal a landing ship or something and just fly out of here?" the driver asked as he guided the speeder through the ever-darkening streets.  The warship overhead was beginning to block out the light.

"Why not?" Sepheron asked.  "I've seen - and done - stranger in my time."  He paused to allow a wing of fighters to scream past.  "In the meantime, we should probably lay low anyway, so we can plan this thing."  And it gives me the time to do a little planning of my own.

"Is that wise?" Suriah asked, and for a second Sepheron was not sure what she was referring to.  So he went for the most sensible one, even though he was pretty sure she meant the other.

"We don't want to go running in half-charged," he said.

"Or running at all," the unnamed Jedi added.  "Get us somewhere quiet," the man said to his comrade.

"I'll start with the bravest and least stupid of my contacts first," the driver announced, turning the wheel of the speeder to send them towards another part of town.  "We'll have more luck if we start there."

Above, the second wave of landing ships began their final approach….

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Re: After The Fall

Tyrell Dunn had just delivered the Empire's intentions to the president of Terrick as they stepped inside the ancient palace. It was more like a declaration. They didn't want to simply land and search for the Jedi.

They wanted to occupy the planet for good.

The group entered the conference chamber and Terrick's leader settled himself across a large table from the Empire's representatives. Captain Dodonna gave an air of self-confidence, which made him look obnoxiously smug. And why shouldn't he be? He had control of all the Empire's forces on the surface and in the air, had legions of clone troopers at his bidding, and officers who would not question his authority. In addition to that, the Imperial captain had all the backing he needed from the center of the Empire itself, Imperial Center.

"As you heard from my Commander, Mr. President," Dodonna began. "Our intentions are simply for security matters only. We have received word from one of our informants the Jedi are hiding on your planet and we wish to find and hold them. Nothing more."

Vildar would have raised an eyebrow, had he the gall to do so. As it was, he smiled and nodded, all the while pondering that there was more to this. Did he think that it was logical the Empire would land so many troops just to find a few mere Jedi, especially as large as an occupying force? Even if it was an occupation under way, there must be steps to take in order to make this legal, and something this large would surely be noticed by the senate back on Coruscant. How could the Chancellor– now Emperor– approve such a thing? If he knew it at all.

The president drummed his manicured fingers on the table. "And finding these terrorists as you call them is going to take this entire force? That seems a bit excessive, don't you think?"

Captain Dodonna gave a smug smile. He didn't care if the president's tone was disapproving. He had a job to do and he would carry that out, despite any protests. If that meant turning this city into a wisp of smoke drifting from a crater if they resisted– well, so be it. The Jedi would be rid of, and that would be that.

"Not at all, Mr. President," Tyrell Dunn retorted with a straight face. "You need not worry about our protocols in conducting this search. Your role in this is to keep your public informed and calm while we do our job. We'll set up a command center here in this building, you are to announce to your public via the local holonet what is happening, and to ask for their coorperation. Your people will help us. We find the Jedi and stop their terrorist activities. We leave. Everyone is happy."

Turokano wanted to laugh. As if I believe that?! Once they are found, I doubt your Empire will leave us be. Instead, the man smiled, showing his polished teeth. "Very well. It might take a little time to make the arrangements. We can have everything set up here in, say, a day or two. Should be plenty of time, don't you think?"

Captain Dodonna smiled in return. "Why, yes, that should work fine. I am sure Commander Dunn would settle himself quite nicely here in your palace as a temporary guest while he conducts his research on his TIE project." Tyrell exchanged a look with the captain. Dodonna merely smirked. "Tyrell is a loyal and trusted subject of the Galactic Empire. He would never interfere with your current planetary operations here."

The president nodded and sighed quietly. "As you wish then, Captain. I'll get back to my cabinet and we'll set up your operation and provide quarters for your officers." Vildar rose in his seat to excuse himself.

Aloud, Dodonna spoke up. "Oh, one other thing– if you or your cabinet even consider informing the senate back on Imperial Center or if we discover you are assisting the Jedi, we will consider that an act of treason." He gave Turokano a stern glare. "You will then be arrested and Terrick will be assumed under the control of an assigned Moff. The senate no longer have a say in these matters, Mr. President."

Vildar looked uncertain on what to do, so he complied. "Yes, Captain. I understand." He politely gestured for his assistant to open the doors for him. "I must go now and inform the people of Terrick and my cabinet."

"Excellent," Dodonna responded. "Our Emperor will be pleased to know of your cooperation in this matter."

The pair of officers rose from their seats, dismissed themselves, and were escorted out of the chamber.

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Re: After The Fall

The invasion of Terric continued with frightening clockwork as Lucious guided the speeder through the city streets. Gunships escorted by fighters roared by overhead, laden with clone troopers and bound for designated "strategic" areas. Knots of people stood in the streets and on the sidewalks, pointing up at the dark omen that was a descending Imperial Acclamator and muttering to one another in hushed tones. Every now and again Lucious would curse to himself as he maneuvered around vehicles stopped in the middle of the road, their drivers slackjawed in shock or awe at the ammount of Imperial forces descending on their once peaceful backwater.

Luckily, the Imperials seemed to be working from the outside in, setting up checkpoints and patrols around the outlying parts of the city before moving in deeper. The only exceptions were the spaceport, already swamped with a legion of clones and two AT-TEs for good measure, and the government buildings. Even Lucious could tell they'd had practice doing this under combat conditions - watching them move further into the city, it seemed like they expected droids to pop out of buildings and start shooting at them any second. Maybe they did. Who knew what their superiors had told them?

The speeder reached it's final destination: a tavern that looked much like the one Hendricks worked at. Like many other public buildings, almost everybody who'd been inside was either plastered against a window or crowded around on the street outside, pointing and talking. Fragments of conversation drifted over to Lyton and the group as they hopped out of the speeder, and the Jedi paid close attention. "Sithspawn, it looks like they brought the whole army!"

"I thought the clone wars were over," somebody said harshly.

"Weren't we on their side, anyway?" another responded.

"Yeah, well, maybe you oughta go tell that to them."

Lucious pushed his way through the crowd, muttering "pardon me's" as afterthoughts as he strove for the bar's entrance. Lyton followed him in, cowl draped firmly over his face. Halfway to the door, he paused and cast a glance back at Suriah. The younger Jedi was positioned between Lyton and Rok, and though she didn't look to be having any trouble navigating the crowd, the look on her face said she was clearly ill at ease. Idly, he let the force bring him wisps of the crowd's emotions. There was confusion there, and a little surprise. After all, nobody knew there were fugitive Jedi on Terric… and even if they did, they probably wouldn't have expected something quite so drastic. And there was more… underneath that confusion, anger and outrage simmered. Sparsly populated backwater though Terric might be, it was still their planet, their home, and the sight of what was undisputably an armed invasion wasn't sitting well with any of them.

Finally, Lucious pressed his way through the doorway. Lyton moved to follow, pressing his side against somebody as he did so. It was unavoidable… the crush of bodies so close to the door saw to that… and the cold metal of his lightsaber pressed itself into his hip. His head whipped around, eyes narrowing as he searched the other person's reaction. But whoever it was had already passed, and Lyton felt no undue surge of emotion to indication somebody had recognized bumping into a Jedi. Shaking his head at his paranoia, he stepped through the door and looked around.

Lucious was at the bar, which was mostly empty now, chatting with an Ithorian that had to be the bartender. No other occupation carried a rag and wiped at dirty glasses in that time honered a fashion. The flat headed creature turned and gestured to the back of the establishment, and Lucious nodded his thanks before stepping away. A few quick strides, and Lyton was there beside him. He felt Suriah and Rok entering the bar behind him… luckily nobody seemed to be paying much attention. "Your contact?" Lyton asked quietly.

"He's here," Lucious confirmed, eyes serching the establishment as he spoke. "There, in the back," He nodded in the general direction. He'd barely gotten two steps before he stopped, head turning back towards the bar. Like most establishments, this one had a connection to the local holonet. An announcement was in progress, read by an all too smooth and calm reporter. "… this late breaking news story. As you've no doubt already seen, Imperial forces have begun planet wide security operations. The reason for this, we're told, is that a number of Jedi - we're not sure how many, but rumors put the numer at half a dozen or more - a number of Jedi have been discovered by Imperial Intelligence, plotting the overthrow of our government. In response, the Empire had dispatched a portion of the Imperialy Army to secure the planet and hunt down these traightors. And ah, this just in, we're being told that in just moments President Vildar will be addressing the planet. We're told he'll be asking for our cooperation with Imperial forces for the duration of their operations here on Terric…"

Lucious stopped listening, and headed for the back of the bar with renewed purpose. Lyton stood where he was, perfectly still, watching the news report continue to drone on. People were filtering back into the bar now, eager to hear the latest new about what was happening to their home. Lyton ignored them, anger beginning to burn within him again. How many more lies would the Empire tell about the Jedi? Wasn't it enough that most of the Order was already dead? Would their legacy, all that they'd ever stood for, be destroyed one news story at a time? How…

Lyton felt somebody touch his arm, and looked down to see Suriah's hand at his elbow. He opened his mouth to speak, to respond to her expression, but closed it and remained silent instead. Outside, he heard clone troopers shouting orders to clear the streets.

He gave Rok a measuring look. "I trust you have no objections to killing clones," he asked with a raised eyebrow.

We're not so easy to kill when we know who our enemies are.
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Re: After The Fall

Suriah watched Rok smirk, and felt a cold pit settle in her stomach. "They can always make more, I hear." The man's gaze flickered over her, and he grunted before shouldering past them. "Let's go."

Suriah swallowed and watched him go. Lyton didn't move at first either, and she realized she hadn't taken her hand off his elbow. She could still feel the anger flitting near the surface of his thoughts, an echo of the sneer on the mercenary's face.

It pervaded the bar, a variation of the same poison. A simmering resentment, warm coals just waiting to be fanned. She could touch it with her mind, she knew. Set off the spark, had she wanted to.

The whole place could ignite.

Without thinking about it, she sent him calm, and reached out to cool the smoldering anger in him. The older Jedi jerked away from her like he'd been stung, and gave her a dead look before also turning to the back of the bar to follow the man, Lucious.

I've never been more out of place.

This was not a time for people- or Jedi- like her. If they were to escape, she should be fanning those flames. Find angry individuals, and foster their feelings. Quietly cause a riot. She should feel relief at the discordant chaos of emotion around them, because it hid them and the precious information in the bag at her waist. Could conceal their movements. Aid their escape.

If she restored calm, acceptance, and other cannons of the Jedi order- the center she longed to experience- she would only aid their enemy.

Shudders ran through the girl, and she knew she was afraid. She probably looked like exactly that. A scared girl, standing alone in the middle of the room. In the middle of a bar. She cast her eyes around. Tired farmers. Spacers. Run down waitresses who walked with a little more sway in their hips in the hopes their cred purses would be a bit heavier when they went home.

Suriah began her walk towards the back of the room, where the others stood at a counter. She was going to have to do better than this. Blend in more. She recognized she was naive most of the time, but that had begun to change over the last few months, no matter how hard she tried in her heart to deny it. She was older. Different. Harder. Tired.

The white shirt that was too big for her slid off one shoulder. Annoyed, she tied it up around her waist on one side. She slid a hand into the pouch at her waist and found a hair slide she used to keep her hair out of the way in the garden, and knotted her hair on top of her head in a haphazard fashion.

All the while dodging people. All the while observing. A farmer's wrinkled eyes. A waitress standing with hands on her hips.

Rok's casual stance, arms crossed over his chest, still somehow threatening. Lyton's steady gaze and slightly worried furrow between his brows. Lucious' confidence.

Lucious watched Suriah walk towards them with casual disinterest and continued talking to a being at the dark end of the counter. His eyes slid over her. She paused at the edge of their group and leaned on the bar.

"Where'd the girl go?" she finally heard him ask. The Jedi could feel her lips curve in a slight smile, and she waved a few fingers at him.

She saw Lyton take another look at her and frown.
A muttered curse under Rok's breath, followed by rubbing at his eyes with the heel of his palms in exasperation.

Lucious looked her up and down and tried not to look surprised.

The girl looked older. A silvery scar had somehow shown up across her jaw, leading to lips he'd never noticed before. Her eyes, always large and luminious, carried something akin to the danger in a mixed drink you'd never heard of and hadn't actually watched the bartender mix. There were also tired, hard lines that had creeped in across her face. She was still wearing the same clothes, slightly altered, but somehow they fit her better- showed curves that hadn't been noticable before. Her long straight hair was up and unkempt, which made it impossible to tell how long it was.

She could've gone into any bar next to Rok and not attracted much notice, aside from an unusually limpid set of eyes.

Until you looked at her hard, and remembered what she had looked like ten minutes ago. Then Lucious' head started hurting, and he felt like he was seeing double.

Jedi and their mind tricks.

Suriah smiled thinly and gestured for the conversation to continue. She wouldn't be able to keep this up forever, it tired her.

"Handy," he finally muttered. He glanced at the bothan next to him and cleared his throat. "This is my friend," he said to Suriah.

"The fourth member of our party," he explained to the Bothan. "Will you help?"
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Re: After The Fall

The plaza was crowded as the two Imperial officers began their descent down the steps of the presidential palace toward an awaiting landspeeder, which would take them to the landed Acclamator at the city's outskirts. As Captain Dodonna looked around, absently rubbing his dark beard, he saw many citizens who appeared tired and scared. He suspected they were concerned about the Imperial presence here. Unfortunate they did not know that this was for the good of the planet. If rumours of a Jedi cell existed here, then their presence would shake them up to the point that they eventually will expose themselves. At least the people could comfort themselves with the fact they would be secure during their stay.

"Do you think Turokano will coorperate, Tyrell?" he eyed him as they settled themselves inside the speeder. "Our job will be much easier if he complies."

"I don't see why not, Max." Tyrell replied as the enclosed speeder raced off into the crowded streets of Terric. The CEO observed folks of all classes with all manner of baggage and goods milling about in the open-air markeplaces of every corner and street, through the transparasteel windows. Some were towing beasts of burden behind them. "If we treat these people with respect, then I see no reason why the president won't coorperate."

"We will treat them with respect if they treat <I>us</i> with respect," Dodonna corrected. "I won't tolerate anyone who attempts to slow our work here."

Tyrell grew quiet. Dodonna changed the subject. "Anyway, you're here to do research on your TIE project. I've ordered the driver to proceed to the Acclamator in order to have their hangar bays make way to accomodate them. You can then see how the TIE's perform in atmospheric conditions, especially in this abstract weather this planet has." He nodded. "In fact, it gives a good excuse for your TIE's to start commencing routine patrols of the city."

"I will if we are ready, Max." Tyrell countered. "Remember Lord Vader doesn't want failures, so I will use my judgement as to when patrols will start. I still have many tests to run."

"Very well." It was now Dodonna's turn to be quiet. He turned to the window and scanned the crowds briefly, watching a ripple of activity going through the already bustling streets near a tavern. The captain then picked up a datapad and began to read as the speeder continued on its course toward the warship…

Outside the tavern, the crowds continued to point and talk as clone troopers marched, the citizens hearing the heavy tread of armored feet echo across the stone walkways, approaching rapidly. A woman, standing nearby, raked her hair from her face, and when her vision cleared, observed the squad halting an Ithorian walking toward the tavern. He was completely surrounded by white-armored clone troopers. The sun, which had actually broken through the heavy cloud cover that always seemed to shroud Terric, winked and glinted off their armor. A red-and-white, armor-clad ARC trooper was reading to the Ithorian from a datapad he held in his hand. Although he was surrounded, the alien was making no attempt to flee.

Some of the people were backing away collectively from the scene. Another one fled, knocking down a small Bothan female holding a basket of fruit. Another shouted at them: "What has he done?! What's going on here?!" Another line of clone troopers moved into formation, creating a solid line in front of the spectators, this time to keep them back.

"I heard someone up front say he was a traitor!" a Rodian shouted out.

"…sold some information or bought some to help the Jedi!" another ranted. A shopkeeper turned to get a better look.

Some horror-stricken citizens watched the ARC trooper putting away his datapad, his pronouncement finished. He signaled to three of the clones, and two of them seized the Ithorian by his long arms. He struggled as the two dragged him toward an open section of the marketplace across from the tavern, followed by a third, who was brandishing the standard DC-15 blaster rifle.

"I'm not the traitor! You have the wrong Ithorian! You seek the bartender inside the tavern. I'm only a customer!" he pleaded in order to save his life. "You're making a terrible mistake!"

The ARC trooper glanced over in the direction of the tavern. He cocked his head and wondered, but quickly dismissed the gesture as his hand dropped to his sidearm to signal his men. The two clone troopers who had pulled the Ithorian toward the far side of the marketplace now stepped away from him, although they kept close enough in case he tried something. The third trooper faced him from three meters away and drew a sight on him with his blaster.

"Ready!" the ARC trooper said, not really asking a question.

"Fire!" the clone ordered. The crowd had grown deafeningly quiet.

The Ithorian dropped his gaze to look directly at the soldier, then spread his arms wide in an almost welcoming gesture. The trooper fired his blaster rifle once, the red blaster bolt slicing through the air with a deadly whine. It struck the hammerhead directly in his chest. He convulsed inward and crumpled to the cold stone. He twitched once and then was still. Shouts and cries were heard out from the onlookers.

The ARC trooper turned to his men. "Dispose the body and report back here. We're going to follow the hammerhead's claim and see where it leads…"

"Yes, sir! Right away!" both troopers clipped in their helmets.

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Re: After The Fall

Their gunship left the planet, letting the slowly growing panic of the population behind them. Thinking about the impressions he had gathered while the speeder had passed the streets of the city, Tyrell realised, that the people weren’t going to marketplaces with their packs and baggage. A lot of them were leaving the capitol out of fear about an invasion. Obviously they didn’t understand that the Galactic Empire was everywhere. Able to take over whole Terrick with a simple surprise coup. Hopefully Turokano was addressing his folk soon, explaining that it was important to support the Imperial troops. The Jedi terrorists hidden among them had to be stopped. The news channels on Coruscant as well as on all core worlds had shown the footage of what the Jedi Master Mace Windu had done to the Emperor’s formerly friendly fatherly face. If there were beings with such power, who knows what else they were capable of?

The <i>Eradicator</i> hung threateningly at the sky of Terrick. A symbol of the New Order, that was the Empire. Tyrell was glad as the Acclamator-class assault boat landed safely in the hangar bay of the titanic warship. Ironically he, who was the engineer of the new generation of small starfighters, preferred to be on board of bigger ships. At least since his ride through the ion storm. Thanks to his experience Tyrell suppressed a sigh of relief as they stepped down the ramp. An adjutant was waiting for the Captain already, handing a datapad with readouts to him. Maximillian looked questioning at his friend. “Excuse me, Commander.” Automatically he was using the rank as soon as somebody was in ear-shot. “My presence on the bridge is needed. You can go after your business on the flight deck.” Tyrell, playing his role as well, saluted. “Yes, Sir.”

The sleeves of his uniform shirt rolled up to his elbows, Tyrell was adjusting a TIE’s engine. The chief engineers and their maintenance crews, surrounding him, watched attentively as he explained the new technology. The men seemed impressed as they wandered away to align the new models. Tyrell cleaned the lubricants off his hands with an old rag. Satisfied with the progress, he made his way to the bridge. They were ready for the ultimate test.


Tense Tyrell stood next to Maximillian Dodonna and Jared Koortyn. Their looks were directed towards the space in front of the viewport that was dominating the bridge.  Outside the new pride of the Imperial fleet was performing manoeuvres for them. Commander Koortyn’s first sceptical look changed into surprise as he realised the agility of the small fighters. “I told you, Commander. My old friend is one of the best in his field.” Tyrell smiled by Max's  compliment. “We will see how they work in service, then you can praise me.” Dodonna patted his shoulder jovially. “Don’t be that modest.”  

Following their orders the squadron turned around, patrolling the traffic lines. Terrick’s government had co-operated with a ban on take-off as well as on landings for the whole planet. Everything seemed easy while the inaugural flight, a good possibility for the pilots to learn how to handle their brand-new  vessels. But then the voice of the squad leader sounded out of the speakers of the bridge. “Unauthorised movement in sector  Twenty-Three.” Tyrell and the two commanding officers stepped closer to the screen, showing the sensor readings. “Looks like a Corellian Space Cruiser.” Koortyn remarked. Captain Dodonna cleared his throat. “Squad Leader, fire some warning shots across the ship’s bow. No disintegration. Just scare them, so that they stop.” The pilot answered: “Yes, Sir.” Moments later the TIE’s engaged the fleeing ship. Some shots hit directly and with a chain reaction running through the Cruiser, the bigger ship disappeared off the screens.

Tyrell swallowed hard as he saw the destruction. “I guess, I have to adjust the firepower again.” He murmured.

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Re: After The Fall

The beggar stumbled, confused, into the alleyway, the empty bottle of Correlian whiskey swinging loosely in his hand, dangerously close to flying away and smashing against the wall of one of the buildings that made up the alley. He slumped against one of these walls, sliding down into a pile on the ground, the bottle rolling away from his limp hand as he fell into a drunken stupor. His eys shut and his head fell to one side, droplets of the alcohol falling from his ragged beard, just another drunken homeless man.

Or so it would seem.

Whe-too Vibrose was, or had been, a Jedi Master. But then had come the Purge. He had only escaped through his own wisdom. He had gotten the message to return to the Jedi Temple, but had not believed it. Instead of returning instantly to be slaughtered, he went to other worlds discreetly. There he saw the death's of others of his order. He had given up his robes at this time, and instead donned the clothes of a beggar: a loose, ripped trenchcoat, torn shirt, loose pants, threadbare gloves and almost worn-through boots. He had fled to the distant world of Terrick, hoping to hide. There he had taken up his act.

He had dumped, on this day, the Correlian whiskey into a corner. Then he had flecked the last drops onto his growing mess of a beard. He had acted drunk, stumbling in a pretend daze into the alley, where he now lay, meditating.

He had been lying like this for hours when he felt the growing panic of the people around him. Like a crazed musician, it struck random and chaotic chords in the mystical harp called the Force. He opened his eyes slowly and left the alley, looking at the sky, as the other citizens of Terrick were.

High above, looming menacingly, like birds of prey, were the towering shapes of an Imperial fleet. Their silver hulls glinted with all the menace of death. Whe-too walked up to a human and asked what was going on, even though he suspected what the ships were here for. The man pushed him away, disgusted at the stench surrounding the ex-Jedi.

The next person Whe-too asked, an Ithorian woman, was much more polite. She answered, as she would to a young child, "It's the Empire, you poor old man. They've come for Jedi."

Whe-too nodded. Just as he had thought. He looked back up at the fleet. A bit much for one or two Jedi, he thought, his brows furrowing in thought.

Maybe there are more than I expect, he thought, but I doubt that. This is an invasion.

He reached out with the Force, searching for other Jedi. He had long known one had been here, although he had never approached her, for fear of giving them both away. No, he couldn't find any, the panic of the people drowning out any signs there might have been.

Whe-too stalked the streets, now crowded with onlookers. Occasionally, he saw the Clone Troopers of the Empire pull a citizen from the crowd and shoot them for "aiding the fugitive Jedi terrorists". Most were innocent of any charge, and many were anti-Imperialists. Whe-too felt every death, every cry of pain, from these poor people. His head trembled with their silent cries.

Whe-too looked hard for any other Jedi, following his instincts on where to go. Soon, he found himself outside a tavern. He felt them within. He opened the door and stepped inside.
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Re: After The Fall

"Will you help?"

Rask Ne'Teya sighed, shifting his weight in the rickety chair he sat in. He glanced around, uncomfortable with having so many "fugitives" in the same room as himself. That was how Lucious had described them, anyway. As "fugitives in need of transport". The Bothan, an experienced smuggler who's once cream fur was now turning decidedly silver, knew better than to ask any further questions. They were killers, those two. He knew from the way they carried themselves - ready to impart violence at any moment. Whether that meant they were military, or just common murderers, he didn't know. Didn't care to know. And then there was the girl… she had the look of somebody who would fall into the company of such men, yet despite her appearance there was somehow a softness about her. An incongruity that spoke to more than met the eye. Rask wasn't sure if that made her less of a threat or more of one.

"Hurrr," The Bothan growled a deep sigh and looked back at Lucious. "You know me, Lucious. If you've got the creds, you've got a deal. But," He added, glancing again at the two killers, "You play by my rules. If I say play it low, your boys over there play it low. If I say go to town, they can have a carnival of carnage… but I make that choice. We play it by my rules, and I can dissapear us out from under the Imperials."

"I understand," Lucious nodded. He glanced back at his "boys", the Jedi and the mysterious Rok. "And I'm pretty sure I can get those two to play along." It was then that the bar's holovid caught his attention. It showed an explosion in the skies above Terrick, a concerned looking anchorman speaking from a small inset.

"This is the latest footage from events over the capital," The anchor was saying, "Imperial sources have informed us that, just moments ago, a ship carrying Jedi collaborators attempted to break orbit. The ship was warned repeatedly. Sources say the ship's shields and hyperdrive were disabled by Imperial fighter squadrons, but the occupants opted to self destruct their vessel rather than face capture. Luckily, the ship was no longer above a populated center when it exploded, and there have been no civillian injuries reported. Government spokesmen were not immediately available for comment."

Lucious glanced sideways at the Rask. "You weren't planning on taking us out in a ship, I hope…"

Rask snorted, purple eyes narrowing. "All the years we've worked together, Lucious, you should know me better. I'm not taking you lot anywhere. I agreed to help, not commit suicide. I can help you hide out, lay low for a little while. Hook you up with some locals who aren't fond of the Empire. But getting off? That's your problem."

"I can pay whatever you need," Lucious pressed. "Well, I can arrange for you to be paid, anyway."

"I haven't lived this long being stupid," Rask retorted. "Credits don't do you any good when you're dead. Can't take it with you, and all that."

"Not true," Lucious replied. "I knew somebody who had his material posessions cremated and burried with him. Odd fellow, but…" Lucious noted Rask's quizzical expression, and cleared his throat. "But that's not the point. Look, if I could get us off without help we wouldn't have come to you in the first place, right? The 'boys' over there were all for hitting an Imperial ship and using it to get off planet."

"That's a perfectly good plan," Rok interjected, but Lucious ignored him.

"Huh… you know, that just might work," Rask mused, running a hand over the bristly fur at his chin.

"Rask," Lucious said dryly, "I didn't come to you so you could say 'let the Hutts guard the vault'. I need an alternative that won't involve the entire occupation force coming down on us like a planet sized hammer. Look, I didn't want to bring this up, but you owe me."

"Eh? For what?"

"Nar Shaddaa?"

"Heheh," Rask chortled and took a swallow of his drink. "Ok. I know you're good for the credits, and I suppose I do owe you one, even though you were responsible for getting me into that mess in the first place. I'll think something up. Maybe I can knock heads with some of the people I'm going to introduce you to."

"Thanks, Rask. I don't think I ever needed your help more than I do know."

"Heh, you say that every time you come asking for help."

"Yeah, well…" Lucious shrugged, and Rask just "hrumphed" into his drink. "So tell me more about these people you're going to introduce me to," He asked.

It was about then that Suriah got that slightly unfocussed look in her eye. Lucious didn't notice, but Lyton saw. It was the same look she'd gotten before their introduction to Rok. She frowned slightly, turning away from the table and sweeping her eyes across the bar's many patrons. Most of them were either avidly watching the holovid and having some heated discussions, or staring into their drinks and pretending their world wasn't coming apart around them. At first, Lyton was worried that a group of clone troopers had decided to sweep the bar for "anti-Imperial traitors". Rok must have noticed him tense, for his gaze followed Lyton's towards the door. All three watched, only Suriah knowing what she expected to see.

For a moment, there was just the usual bustle of people coming in and out… then he came in. He was clad in ragged clothing and sporting a wild beard, but there was no mistaking the presense of the Force around him. "Son of a bantha," Lyton murmered, "Another one? How many of us are there on this backwater?"

Although he didn't give any outward signs, it was clear the begger had noticed his fellow force users. He shambled through the bar, acting as if he were looking for potential handouts, until his wandering course brought him to the table where Lucious and crew were gathered. It almost hurt Lyton to see a once proud Jedi using such a disguise… but, he supposed, if it kept you alive…

The begger Jedi paused before them, and Lucious finally turned around. "Er… hello," He said. "Look, we're not giving, so why don't you-" He paused when he noticed Lyton shaking his head. "Eh? Oh. Ah, this is one of those… things… isn't it?" Lyton nodded, and Lucious sighed. "Well, one more is one more, though I would have rather not gotten into such a mess just to find three of you. Have a seat…?" He thought he heard Rok mutter something, but decided he'd be better off not finding out what it was. Another Jedi could be quite handy, even if this one smelled like he'd been doing his best to pickle himself since Order 66.

"I don't think we've met," Lyton said. "I'm Lyton Aeros. This is Suriah, Rok, Lucious, and…"

"Rask." The Bothan eyed the newcomer, and shrugged inwardly. If Lucious wanted to add one more to the job, then he'd just have to pay a little extra. And it shouldn't make things too much more difficult…

We're not so easy to kill when we know who our enemies are.
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Re: After The Fall

Zarga the Hutt sat in the main audience chamber aboard his personal ship and puffed distractedly on his Hookah. The arrival of the Imperials on Terrick had angered him, it interfered with his dealings. He had a potentially highly profitable sideline going in salvaged Separatist weaponry. The first shipment, a large shipment of  blaster rifles had been scheduled to arrive on this backwater planet in a few days time. However now with an Imperial blockade in effect, that was looking decidedly unlikely.

The door to the audience chamber opened and Zarga's Majordomo, a diminutive Rodian by the name of Bavoo appeared. He passed the two blaster wielding Aqualish who stood guard at the entrance and crossed the darkened room to stand before Zargas dais.

“Well?” the Hutt demanded impatiently, setting aside his pipe.

The Rodian bowed low and then spoke. “Your excellency, our sources confirm that there have been several sightings of suspected Jedi. There are believed to be at least two of them on Terrick, a male and a female human.” Zarga pondered this for a moment, this was interesting news, very interesting indeed. “What of the Imperials, how close are they to finding the Jedi?”

"So far the Imperials have not captured any Jedi, and give no indication of knowing their location. However they appear determined to stay here until they find them. They have deployed  many thousands of troops and search both land and air. The Jedi if indeed there are any will surely soon be discovered.”

Zarga narrowed his slitty eyes in thought. “They must be getting help.” he rumbled. “Someone is hiding them, if the Jeedi were on their own they would have been found by now. Someone must be harbouring them!”

Bavoo nodded his head vigorously to show his agreement and waited for his master to continue. Zarga took up his pipe once more and puffed on it for several seconds before speaking.

“Go to our contacts Bavoo. Tell them that I will pay well for any information about the location of these Jeedi, very well! I want them found, and the people who are helping them.”

“Yes your magnificence it shall be done.” the Rodian said bowing low. Finished with his lackey, Zarga dismissed him with a wave of a pudgy hand.

Yes Zarga thought to himself, it would be very useful to know the location of these Jedi. If he could deliver this information to the Empire there may be a sizable reward. No, the Imperials wouldn’t pay for something they could simply acquire through threat of force. It might he pondered however be worth letting the Imperials have the information for free, even just to gain favour with the new establishment.

Koochoo he chided himself, since when do Hutts do anything for free? No there had to be a way for him to profit from this. He sat and thought for a few moments, bending his devious mind to the problem.

 What if the Jedi escaped the planet? Yes! He mentally congratulated himself. If the Jedi escaped Terrick the Imperials in charge of the hunt would fear incurring the Emperors displeasure and that fear would lead to desperation and that desperation would make them willing to pay almost any price for the Jedi. It would also get rid of the Imperial blockade as they would send their fleet in headlong pursuit across the galaxy after the fugitives.

 Yes, there was much for him to consider. He hit a button on the console that stood next to his dais. The button was linked directly to the starships kitchens. Perhaps a light snack? One could not plot on an empty stomach and there was indeed much plotting to be done!
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Re: After The Fall

What was it about Jedi, Sepheron wondered to himself, that they just can not resist complicating everything?

His plan had been a simple one.  Get on Terrick, find the clone, deal out one last hand of vengeance, leave, head for… wherever.   Simple, if only in the describing as opposed to the actual doing.  But then came the Jedi and the 'invasion' and suddenly there was a near terminal case of fugitive-ness going around that was highly contagious.  He should have walked on by, concentrated on his own problems instead of getting involved in theirs, even if that meant going it alone on an occupied world.  It was not like he had not done so before.

But it was those eyes and that bare-faced earnestness that had pulled him in like an asteroid to a gravity well, sucked in with no power to resist.  Because the absolute faith that had backed her every word when she had first spoken to him had sounded so similar to someone else's faith in the universe, and life, and that thing they called the Force.  Someone else whose faith had eventually gotten him killed by those he had had the most faith, the most trust, in.

Not just the clones.  Him, himself, Sepheron, who had been lounging in a bar when his friend had needed him the most.

A bar not unlike the one they were currently ensconced in.  Surrounded by nefarious types of all creeds and species, where noble Jedi talked with hardened criminals about hiding and running from their foes.  Sepheron would have laughed, only he doubted if he could have stopped once he began, slipping out of control.

Control.  It was about time he exerted some, over himself if nothing else.

He glanced at Suriah again, slight tension appearing between his eyes and somewhere inside his head as he saw the image she was, what, projecting?  As disguises went, it was better than a change of clothes and a restyling of hair.  It certainly drew less attention than the beggar who stood unsteadily beside them at the bar, though that was mainly an olfactory issue.  One could turn one's eyes away, but noses were another matter.  But both the need to look away and the disgust at the smell were two good elements for a near perfect disguise.  That a Jedi would use such a disguise was fascinating.  He was probably not your average mystical do-gooder.

Rask the Bothan seemed to be weighing the little group up, trying to estimate the worth of such an assemblage of beings no doubt.  His particular specialty seemed to be in the hiding of things more than the speedy removal, which was good enough.  The Jedi might be wanted, but he was not; if he went out into the city he would just be another lowlife spacer among many.  He could still complete his mission.

The thought seemed to draw the attention of the Jedi in their midst, their expressions ranging from Suriah's look of saddened disapproval, incongruous on her new 'face', to the newcomer's frown of confusion.

Control is clearly sadly lacking, he concluded, giving them all a glare.  He turned away to ostensibly watch the crowd, taking a deep breath to calm himself and clear his mind.  He found it momentarily amusing, as he always did, that a Jedi-taught relaxation technique could be used by even a one such as him, but he let that drain away along with everything else.  Jian-Han always found it just as funny himself, Sepheron recalled, and let the thoughts than followed hard on that drain away too.

"So do we have something resembling a plan yet?" he asked coolly, turning back to his comrades-of-the-moment.  Things could have been worse; at least there was no sign of that Vader character yet.

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Planning is Required

Whe-too looked among the group he had joined. It was not large, consisting of only a few people, but despite its small size it seemed to hide boundless secrets. For instance, there was the girl. She was an enigma. Externally she seemed to be a calm, collected, down-to-earth type of woman, but Whe-too saw past this act, having had many acts of his own lately. He knew there was something deeper down that he couldn’t put his finger on.

Next there were the two men. In one he sensed as another Force-sensitive, a Jedi maybe. In the other, he sensed a hidden rage, something boiling and bubbling within, something so deep in his conscious it was almost invisible. But it was there.

Then there was the one called Luscious. Whe-too could not feel the intents in this one, and he doubted that the man wanted his intents to be known to just anyone, even an ex-Jedi Master… especially an ex-Jedi Master.

Last was the Bothan they were speaking to. Perched on a rickety chair, the old smuggler hid nothing. He had control, he knew he had control, he expressed that he had control. His intentions went as far as the credits at hand and staying alive. Whe-too understood the Bothan’s need for survival, especially in these dark times.

“Do we have something that resembles a plan yet?” Rok, the rage filled man asked, turning away from the group for a moment.

“Well,” Whe-too said, “I have yet to learn what it is you are all doing here, although I can assume. But from what I can gather, you are attempting to escape.”

“Yes,” Lyton answered, “and it would appear we are doing that by …commandeering… an Imperial ship.”

Whe-too nodded sagely, hiding his mouth, as if in thought, behind his hands. He thought for a moment about what a ridiculous idea had just been brought to his attention. But somewhere in his doubt there glimmered a beacon of hope, a small, almost nonexistent light of faith in the others of the group. It just might be possible.

“You doubt?” Rask looked at the Jedi, not concealing his disgust at the odour that wafted off of him. Whe-too himself was disgusted at his hygiene, but it was the price of life.

“I do not doubt it is possible, I doubt that it is logical, considering the size of the group you have gathered here.” Whe-too replied.

“And are you the amazing tactician among us?” The Bothan smuggler asked sarcastically. Evidently he had not taken kindly to the Jedi’s distrust.

“Actually,” Whe-too replied, “I am, of you, the most hardened strategist.”

This boast, although not ethical in the Jedi Order, was true. Although a mediocre swordsman, Whe-too was one of the Jedi Order’s most trusted tacticians during the Clone Wars. Many of his tactics were remembered as shining examples of Republic ingenuity.

Rask sighed. “Okay, suppose, theoretically, you are. But consider this, we may not be alone. I have friends who may help us, whether directly or indirectly.”

“How many friends? Enough to conquer the fleet?” Whe-too asked.

“No, but stealth will be our greatest asset. The fewer the better.” Rask looked at the others. “Input would be nice.”

“The good man here brings up an…important…point.” Lucious answered. “Lack of numbers is going to be our worst flaw.”

“But we have hardened warriors among us.” Rok said, looking among the Jedi.

“Not so much…” Whe-too answered, revealing his greatest failing as a Jedi, his horrible swordsmanship. “I am a better strategist than fighter.”

“And I have not fought often, if at all.” Suriah said.

Rok threw his hands in the air. “Then what are we to do with you.”

Whe-too looked steadily at the man and said, “I am not useless, Mr. Rok. Despite my…low standards, I can still help to the best of my abilities.”

“As will I.” Added Suriah.

“Then we are to take an Imperial vessel.” Lyton said. “The question is how.”

“Yes,” Lucious said, “how are to go about doing this.”

“I’m sure something will hit us.” Rask said.

The ground shook.
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